Friday, September 9, 2016

Lofoten - A Photographic Adventure In Norway

In February 2014 I was invited along to tour Norway's North Western island chain known as the Lofoten Islands. I must admit I was a bit nervous about going into the Arctic Circle in their winter as I come from one of the flattest, driest, and hottest countries on the planet.

Snow with all it's associated blizzards is totally foreign to me just as trekking through the Pilbara in our summer would be to visitors from Norway.

Much to our surprise we landed in Norway to one of their lowest snowfall seasons in years which gave me a small bit of comfort but left me wanting to come back to try again next winter. It wasn't even that cold with the temperatures maxing out at 6 degrees on some days. Now you have to remember we are in the Arctic Circle in winter so I guess thats Global Warming for you.

Man! what an amazing country. I can't begin to describe how grand this landscape is. This video just doesn't do it justice in my opinion. The fiord systems around these Islands is everything you would hope for. I feel I have been spoilt forever after visiting this place. It's like a Milford Sound in New Zealand around every corner.

Lofoten - A Photographic Adventure In Norway from Michael Fletcher on Vimeo.
Good friend Rod Thomas is organising a tour here next February so if you have any desire to see a bit of whats in this video look him up at

Everything was shot on Canon products. C300, 5Dmk3, all Canon lenses. It was a bit lonely out there with only a few Canon still shooters wandering around looking lost wondering why everyone else was shooting Nikon. Not a problem for me though.

The soundtrack was licensed from The Music Bed. Next time I pick a soundtrack I best do a search of how many times it has been used on Vimeo. I was thinking to myself, "I have heard this before somewhere?"

Sorry to all of those people who are sick of this score. It's still a great track though.

"Rise" by Tony Anderson

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